Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Can Stress Make You Crazy?

I think it can!  Are at least it makes you do crazy things.  You say things you shouldn't say, you send text messages you shouldn't send, it just makes you crazy!  OK, maybe it's just me. The university is preparing for our accreditation.  It's a stressful process preparing because the future of the university depends on being accredited.  Normally, it really doesn't affect me much, but this year we are submitting our documents on flash drives and I was volunteered to help with creating the flash drives.  It turned out not to be super hard, but some other circumstances well... I went a little loopy tonight...  I won't give you the ugly details but needless to say the following video fits my life? Or at least it should.... (BTW No one left me... but I still think they're coming to take me away!!!!)

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

That is so funny!!! I was just thinking of that song (?) the other day. I was going to paste it on my status on FB because I really thought I was going to go freakin' nuts!!!
BTW the first word of the second sentence in your blog should be "Or" not "are".