Friday, May 25, 2012

A Day at SeaWorld San Diego


2012-05-24 SeaWorld, a set on Flickr.

This weekend Sea World San Diego is introducing a new roller coaster called the Manta Ray. They invited passholders to visit on Thursday and Friday to check out the ride. Of course, I had to go!

I didn't take Mark since he'd been doing so poorly in school and he had an important History test on Thursday.

So after our Reverse Minimum Day Breakfast and dropping Tim off at APU I headed South.

I went ahead and went over to the entrance which is still being worked on as well as most of the cosmetic look for the ride. The fresh paint smell was a little over powering in places. But I think being able to watch the manta rays swim by while waiting in the cue will be fun. Just would like to know what happened to the eels.

The line only took 20 minutes. They have 3 coasters that hold 20 people each. The first major issue I had, was when I got to the front of the line I was told I needed to give my loose articles to another member of my party. When I told the young man I was alone he replied I could leave my stuff on the ground but there wouldn't be anyone to watch it. I laughed at him! He gave me a "Skip to the front of the line pass" and told me there were lockers outside the ride. To say the least I was a tad annoyed. Why couldn't they tell me this at the BEGINNING of the line not the end. So being the "helpful" person I am, I went to guest services. And told the lovely young lady what happened and suggested they let people know this at the beginning of the line. She was very receptive and from what I heard later took my advice to heart.

After awhile I took my stuff to the car and went back to check out the ride. Where I saw (but thankfully didn't experience) another issue they have with the ride. It's a size issue.... let's just say if you are a "thick" person you won't be able to ride the ride. In the three times that I rode Manta Ray (yes it was worth it!) I saw several people removed from the ride. Sadly too many of us are FAT.

I loved the ride and plan to ride it often! It's fast and there's some times graphics at the beginning. I believe I heard the track is 1/2 long and I never figured out how long you're actually on the ride.

Of course, I can't go to Sea World without trying to see the dolphin show. I actually was able to catch 2 shows. The second show I saw something that hadn't seen before. After the black vultures fly by and then their human counterparts are up in the air getting ready to do "their thing" they signal that means the two East African cranes are about to enter. Well, they gave the signal and I'm looking to my left waiting for these magnificent birds to fly across he stadium. And I wait... and I wait... and pretty soon the music stops and a gentleman from backstage comes out to explain they were experiencing a technical difficulty. The button they push to open the door and release the cranes (Lilith and Fraiser) didn't work and the door didn't open. They were in the process of making sure the birds were OK and then they would start at the top of the set. A couple of minutes later the music started, the 'human vultures" made their signal and the beautiful birds swooped across the crowds like they were suppose to. In both of the shows they had 12 dolphins in the show pool playing. The first show the "warm up" guy mentioned the two short fin pilot whales Shadow and Bubbles. However, in the first show there was a third pilot whale having some splash time at the audience. I had heard Sea World had rescued another pilot whale, not sure this was the one or what. But there was the nameless whale.

After my third trip on Manta Ray I walked over to Rocky Point to see the dolphins. The pictures are from my time over there. As one person said, they knew they were getting their pictures taken and were posing for the cameras. I also went over to where some people were trying to pet the dolphins. I did get to pet one very briefly, but the crack up was the one who kept trying to get this guy's arm in his mouth. At one point (s)he snuck up on the guy and had his whole arm in its mouth. Didn't hurt him at all just startled him.

It was a good day and I'm glad I went. In June they're doing a pass holder event to kick off summer nights. I'm going to try to go to that one as well, with Mark. I'm hoping we can go down either early Friday (or maybe Thursday night after his art class) spend the night Friday and spend some time at Legoland on Saturday. We'll see.

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