Sunday, October 2, 2011

October? Really??? What happened?

I remember my Dad telling me to enjoy being a kid because the older you get the faster time seems to go.  I was probably complaining about waiting for Christmas or my birthday or summer or school to start! (Remember I grew up on an 80 acre farm, summers got to be really long before I would see my friends again.

Now as a 40 something adult I understand what he meant.  It’s hard to believe that it’s October and 2011 is almost over. It’s hard to believe my vacation of a lifetime was almost 3 months ago.  It’s hard to believe Tim is in his 4th year of college and Mark’s in middle school. 

I have to ask myself, am I really living my life to the fullest?  Am I taking advantage of the opportunities I’ve been given? Sometimes I feel like the answer is a great big NO!  But this year I have tried to invest more in people.  And I’ve got some amazing friends.  People that love me and that I love.  I’m also having a blast doing photography, though football has been VERY frustrating.  I have my new cool lens, but I’m still not getting great pics.  So I keep trying and hoping to get it right sometime SOON!

The nice thing is girls’ soccer is during the daytime and the D70 does great with enough light… you can check out yesterday’s pics here:

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